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Proxies 'Bubbly White' by Acid League

Proxies 'Bubbly White' by Acid League


Regular price $7.50 CAD
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Proxies, a line up of wine-style drinks from Acid League, were some of the first to the 'wine proxy' scene.

What's a wine proxy? It's not de-alcoholised wine - it's a blend of different ingredients built to mimic different flavour profiles we might enjoy while drinking wine. 

'Bubbly White' is a limited edition production made exclusively in 250ml cans to be an easy, fresh and fun sparkling wine-like alternative for all occasions. From a base of unripe white grape juice, or verjus, a combination of lemon juice, peach and pineapple juices, and combination of black tea and hibiscus come together to create the ultimate recreational no-brainer. 29% juice, no added sugars, and blend of citrus zests and wine tannin contribute interest to the combination. Honest and exactingly crafted, these will go down a treat in all weather and all company.

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