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Proxies 'Bubbly Rosé' by Acid League

Proxies 'Bubbly Rosé' by Acid League


Regular price $7.50 CAD
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Proxies, a line up of wine-style drinks from Acid League, were some of the first to the 'wine proxy' scene.

What's a wine proxy? It's not de-alcoholised wine - it's a blend of different ingredients built to mimic different flavour profiles we might enjoy while drinking wine. 

'Bubbly Rosé' is made exclusively in 250ml cans to be an easy, fresh and fun sparkling wine-like alternative for all occasions. From a base of white grape juice, a combination of lemon juice, strawberry and pomegranate juices, and combination of white and herbal teas come together to create the ultimate recreational no-brainer. 28% juice, no added sugars, and a pinch of vanilla, lime zest and wine tannin contribute interest to the blend. Honest and exactingly crafted, these will go down a treat in a weather and all company.

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